“Whatever you have not strived hard to achieve will not strive hard to fade.”– Isrealmore Ayivor
The things that we work hard to achieve are the ones that last. The things that we get quickly are usually the first ones to go. We are not able to cherish something unless we have truly worked for it and earned it through hard work and perseverance.
“When you’re tired, sleep. Don’t watch stupid tv or play games on your phone.”– Maggie Stiefvater
Do not waste your time playing games or watching meaningless television. If you are tired, get some rest and get ready for the next day. There is no point in delaying your day and get nothing in return. The better alternative is to be well rested and be more productive the next day.
“Everyone wants to ride the train but not everyone wants to lay the tracks.”– Aj Joshi
Everyone wants the perks of success but not everybody is willing to do the dirty, unglamorous work to get there. Aj Joshi compares hard work and success to building and riding a train. People will wish and complain about what they don’t have but won’t put in the work to get it.
“Nothing is going to work out unless you step up and make it happen.”– Auliq Ice
Nothing is going to work if you continue to wish it will work. The only way things work out is by making them happen through hard work and perseverance. Work is not supposed to be easy; if it were then everyone could be successful.
“I can only strive for what is important.”– Rosie Thomas
We must realize what we value in this world and what we want to live our lives for. Striving for what is important is the only way to live. To make a difference in this world we must forget about the petty things we get caught up in and focus on what is important.
“Hard work makes you feel good because you have accomplished something.”– Alcurtis Tumer
Hard work has a way of making us feel good about ourselves after putting in work. There is nothing more satisfying than completing a task and feeling productive about our day. Hard work can be rewarded in many ways, from monetary value to a trophy.
“It is a pity that doing one’s best does not always answer.”– Charlotte Bronte
You should never be ashamed about giving it your all and coming out on the losing end. It is a true shame that we are not always able to win even when we give it our best. That is why we cannot become obsessed with the outcome. The most we can do is give it everything we have and hope that is enough.
“I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” – Thomas Jefferson
The former president was an extremely hard worker. Hard work creates luck. The harder we work the more luck we have. Good things happen to good people and the more work we put in the more luck and the more success we will get out.
“Don’t tell me that knowledge isn’t power.”– Brandi Bates
Brandi Bates does not want anyone to say that knowledge is not power. Knowledge is the most powerful thing in the world. With enough knowledge, we can do anything we want in this world. The mind is the most lethal weapon to ever be created.
“Success is great, but even greater with a great team.”– Lailah Akita
Success on your own is amazing and satisfying, but it is even better when surrounded by a group of people who have worked just as hard as you to accomplish it. Success is always sweeter when celebrated with other people who were involved and realize the magnitude about what you accomplished together.